1 Variance
     how to     example     data     see also

Stat > Basic Statistics > 1 Variance

This procedure calculates confidence intervals for the standard deviation and variance of a population, and performs a hypothesis test to determine whether the population variance equals a specified value.

If you enter summary values, Minitab analyzes one sample at a time and cannot calculate the Bonett method for use with nonnormal data.

Dialog box items

One or more samples, each in a column: Choose if you entered raw data into columns and enter the column(s) that contain the data. If you enter multiple columns, Minitab performs separate 1-sample analyses on each column.

Sample standard deviation: Choose if you have summary values for a sample's size and standard deviation.

Sample size: Enter the sample size.

Sample standard deviation: Enter the sample's standard deviation.

Sample variance: Choose if you have summary values for a sample's size and variance.

Sample size: Enter the sample size.

Sample variance: Enter the sample's variance.

Perform hypothesis test: Check to perform the hypothesis test that the population standard deviation or variance equals a specified value.

Hypothesized standard deviation: Choose to test the standard deviation.

Hypothesized variance: Choose to test the variance.

Value: Enter the hypothesized value for standard deviation or variance.
