Example of Double Exponential Smoothing
main topic
     interpreting results     session command     see also 

You wish to predict employment over six months in a segment of the metals industry. You use double exponential smoothing as there is no clear trend or seasonal pattern in the data, and you want to compare the fit by this method with that from single exponential smoothing (see Example of single exponential smoothing).

1    Open the worksheet EMPLOY.MTW.

2    Choose Stat > Time Series > Double Exp Smoothing.

3    In Variable, enter Metals.

4    Check Generate forecasts and enter 6 in Number of forecasts. Click OK.

Session window output

Double Exponential Smoothing for Metals





Data    Metals

Length  60



Smoothing Constants


α (level)  1.03840

γ (trend)  0.02997



Accuracy Measures


MAPE  1.19684

MAD   0.54058

MSD   0.46794





Period  Forecast    Lower    Upper

61       48.0961  46.7718  49.4205

62       48.1357  46.0600  50.2113

63       48.1752  45.3135  51.0368

64       48.2147  44.5546  51.8747

65       48.2542  43.7899  52.7184

66       48.2937  43.0221  53.5652

Graph window output

Interpreting the results

Minitab generated the default time series plot which displays the series and fitted values (one-step-ahead forecasts), along with the six forecasts.

In both the Session and Graph windows, Minitab displays the smoothing constants (weights) for the level and trend components and three measures to help you determine the accuracy of the fitted values: MAPE, MAD, and MSD (see Measures of accuracy).

The three accuracy measures, MAPE, MAD, and MSD, were respectively 1.19684, 0.54058, and 0.46794 for double exponential smoothing fit, compared to 1.11648, 0.50427, and 0.42956 for the single exponential smoothing fit (see Example of single exponential smoothing). Because these values are smaller for single exponential smoothing, you can judge that this method provides a slightly better fit to these data.

Because the difference in accuracy measures for the two exponential smoothing methods are small, you might consider the type of forecast (horizontal line versus line with slope) in selecting between methods. Double exponential smoothing forecasts an employment pattern that is slightly increasing though the last four observations are decreasing. A higher weight on the trend component can result in a prediction in the same direction as the data, which may be more realistic, but the measured fit may not be as good as when Minitab generated weights are used.