To compare attributes sampling plans
main topic
    see also         

1    Choose Stat > Quality Tools > Acceptance Sampling by Attributes.

2    Choose Compare user defined sampling plans.

3    In Measurement type, choose either Go / no go (defective) or Number of defects depending on whether you are tracking defective units or defects per unit.

4    In Units for quality levels, choose one of the unit types depending on your specific measurement.

5    In both Acceptable quality level (AQL) and Rejectable quality level (RQL or LTPD), enter a value to specify the quality levels of the product if you wish. It is not necessary to specify AQL or RQL when comparing sampling plans. Use the same units as you indicated above. For example, use 2 for percent defective and 0.02 for proportion defective.

6    In Sample sizes and Acceptance numbers, specify the combination of sampling parameters that you want to examine. Do one of the following:

·    Specify one sample size and several acceptance numbers to look at the effect of just varying acceptance number.

·    Specify multiple sample sizes with just one acceptance number to look at the effect of just varying sample size.  

·    Specify combinations of sample size and acceptance number to look at specific paired combinations.  

7    In Lot size, enter the number of units that you are sampling from. The lot size is not required if the AQL, RQL, and alpha and beta risks are given; however, Minitab requires the lot size to calculate the AOQ curve and the ATI curve.

8    If you like, use any dialog box options, then click OK.