To create variables sampling plans
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    see also         

1    Choose Stat > Quality Tools > Acceptance Sampling by Variables > Create / Compare.

2    Choose Create a sampling plan.

3    In Units for quality levels, choose either Percent defective, Proportion defective, or Defectives per million, depending on your specific measurement.

4    In both Acceptable quality level (AQL) and Rejectable quality level (RQL or LTPD), enter a value to specify the risk levels. Use the same units as you indicated above. For example, use 2 for percent defective and 0.02 for proportion defective.

5    In Producer's risk (Alpha) and Consumer's risk (Beta), enter a value between 0 and 1 or use Minitab's default.

6    In Lower spec and Upper spec, specify the lower and upper specifications of the measurement you are evaluating. You must enter at least one of the specifications.

7    In Historical standard deviation, enter the known process standard deviation. This is optional.

8    In Lot size, enter the number of units that you are sampling from. The lot size is not required if the AQL, RQL, and alpha and beta risks are given; however, Minitab requires the lot size to calculate the AOQ curve and the ATI curve.

9    If you like, use any dialog box options, then click OK.