Generalized Variance Chart - Options - Storage
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Stat > Control Charts > Multivariate Charts > Generalized Variance >Gen Var Options > Storage

Stores your choice of statistics in the worksheet.

Dialog box items

Store these estimates for each chart

Covariance matrices: Check to store the estimated covariance matrices, one row for each stage.

Store these values for each point

Point plotted: Check to store the computed generalized variance values.

Center line value: Check to store the center line value, one row for each plotted point.

Control limit values: Check to store the control limit values, one row for each plotted point. Minitab stores one column for the lower control limit and one column for the upper control limit.

Stage: Check to store the stage, one row for each plotted point.

Subgroup size: Check to store the subgroup sizes, one row for each plotted point.