Multivariate EWMA Chart - Options - Storage
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Stat > Control Charts > Multivariate Charts > Multivariate EWMA > MEWMA Chart Options > Storage

Stores your choice of statistics in the worksheet.

Dialog box items

Store these estimates for each chart

Means: Check to store the mean estimates, one column for each column of data and one row for each stage.

Covariance matrices: Check to store the estimated covariance matrices, one row for each stage.

Store these values for each point:

Point plotted: Check to store the computed MEWMA values.

Control limit values: Check to store the upper control limit values, one row for each plotted point.

Stage: Check to store the stage, one row for each plotted point.

Subgroup size: Check to store the subgroup sizes, one row for each plotted point.

Test results: Check to store the test results, one row for each plotted point. Minitab assigns each plotted point either a 1 (beyond upper control limit) or a 0 (in control).