To optimize multiple responses for response surface designs
main topic
    see also

1    Choose Stat > DOE > Response Surface > Response Optimizer.

2    For each response, complete the table as follows: (If an expected response column does not show in Response, fit a model to it.)

·    Under Goal, choose Do not optimize, Minimize, Target, or Maximize from the drop-down list.

·    For each response that you choose Target, enter a target value.

3    Click Setup.

4    For each response, accept the defaults or enter your own values:

·    Under Lower, Target, and Upper, enter numeric values for the target and necessary bounds as follows:

1    If you choose Minimize under Goal, enter values in Target and Upper.

2    If you choose Target under Goal, enter values in Lower, Target, and Upper.

3    If you choose Maximize under Goal, enter values in Target and Lower.

For guidance on choosing bounds, see Specifying bounds.

·    In Weight, enter a number from 0.1 to 10 to define the shape of the desirability function. See Setting the weight for the desirability function.

·    In Importance, enter a number from 0.1 to 10 to specify the relative importance of the response. See Specifying the importance for the composite desirability.

5    Click OK.

6    If you like, use any of the available dialog box options, then click OK.