... > Scale > Axes and Ticks
Use to specify which scale elements to display and where to display them.
By default, Minitab displays the axis line, major ticks, and associated tick labels for each scale on the low side of the graph and the axis line only for the scale on the high side of the graph. After you create a graph you can:
Axis line: Check to display axis lines on the low and high sides of the x- and y-scales.
Major ticks: Check to display major tick marks on the low and high sides of the x- and y-scales.
Major tick labels: Check to display major tick labels on the low and high sides of the x- and y-scales.
Minor ticks: Check to display minor tick marks on the low and high sides of the x- and y-scales.
Transpose Y and X: Check to transpose the variables that are plotted on each axis. Not available with all graphs.
Adjust x-scale for threshold if distribution has this parameter: If you have chosen a distribution with a threshold parameter, checking this item adjusts the x-scale accordingly. Only available with probability plots.
<Percentile lines> (probability plots and Empirical CDF graphs only)
<Y-scale type> (histograms, probability plots and Empirical CDF graphs only)