Capability Sixpack (Normal Distribution) - Options
main topic
see also 

Stat > Quality Tools > Capability Sixpack > Normal > Options

Allows you to control display settings and set target and tolerance values to use for computing capability indices.

You can set global preferences for the sigma tolerance and the display defaults for the capability statistics using Tools > Options > Control Charts and Quality Tools > Capability Analysis.

Dialog box items

Number of subgroups display: Specifies the number of subgroups to display in the Run chart at the lower left of the graph. The default is 25.

Target (adds Cpm to table): Enter a number that Minitab uses as a target. Minitab then calculates Cpm, in addition to the standard capability statistics, displaying the target and Cpm values in a table below the graph.

Use tolerance of K*sigma for capability statistics K= Enter the value you would like to use as the sigma tolerance level for calculating capability indices. For example, if you enter 12, that says to use an interval 12 standard deviations wide, 6 on either side of the process mean. This is referred to as "6-sigma quality." By default, Capability Sixpack calculates capability indices using an interval that is 6 standard deviation wide, 3 on either side of the process mean. Minitab interprets this value as a two-sided tolerance. If you want to use a one-sided tolerance, enter a two-sided tolerance value that is twice that of your one-sided tolerance. For example, if you want a one-sided tolerance of 3 sigma, enter 6.


Capability stats (Cp, Pp): Choose to display the Cp and Pp values.

Benchmark Z's (sigma level): Choose to display the within and overall Zbench values.

Title: To replace the default title with your own custom title, type the desired text in this box.