Johnson Transformation
   how to    example    data     
see also 

Stat > Quality Tools > Johnson Transformation

You can try to transform your data so it follows a normal distribution. Johnson transformation optimally selects a function from three families of distributions of a variable, which are easily transformed into a standard normal distribution. These distribution are labeled as SB, SL, and SU, where B, L, and U refer to the variable being bounded, lognormal, and unbounded. Minitab displays normal probability plots for original and transformed data and their p-values for comparison. You can also store the transformed data for further analysis.

If the Johnson transformation does not adequately transform your data, the Box-Cox transformation may work better; use whichever normal transformation method works better for your data.


Johnson transformation does not always find an optimal function to transform your data.

Dialog box items

Data are arranged as

Single column: Choose if data are in one column, then enter a column.

Subgroups across rows of: Choose if subgroups are arranged in rows across several columns, then enter the columns.

Store transformed data in

Single column: Enter a storage column for the transformed data.

Subgroups across rows of: Enter storage columns for the transformed data, where the subgroups are arranged in rows across several columns.
