
楼主 |
发表于 2021-6-4 15:04:26
MSA type1 type2 type3
type1 stydy
used for : examination of the gages capability cgk( manual and automatical systems)
implementation: 1 appraiser/ 1 measuring location, 1 gage/ 1 traceable standard
collect 50 consecutive ( 连续的,不间断的)measurments of the same characteristic, then calculate capability cg and cgk
requirements: cg, cgk>=1.33
type 2 study
Used for: repeatability and reproducibility %GRR( manual system)
Implementation: 3 appraisers/ 1 measurments location, 1 gage/ 10 production parts(sample)
Perform 2 trials per appraiser, afterwards calculate the %GRR rating as well as the number of distinct categories ndc, using the tolerance as reference figure
0%<%GRR>=10%----system is acceptable
10%<%GRR>30%--system may be acceptable, depending from the importance of the measurement and the costs of the system
30%<%GRR>x%--system is not acceptable, corrective actions must be found
ndc>=5---not less, for reasons of process control
Type 3 study
Used for: repeatability and reproducibility %GRR( automatically system)
Implementation: 1 appraisers/ 1 measurment location, 1 automatic gage/ 25 production parts(sample)
Perform 2 trials per part, remove parts between trials (unclamping and removal)
0%<%GRR>=10%----system is acceptable
10%<%GRR>30%--system may be acceptable, depending from the importance of the measurment and the costs of the system
30%<%GRR>x%--system is not acceptable, corrective actions must be found
ndc>=5---not less, for reasons of process control