阿联酋UAE推迟家用空调能效新要求,从2023年1月开始适用家用空调的新 EER 限值。
The Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology (MoIAT) informs the new implementation dates for the enforcement of the 2019 version of the UAE.S 5010-1:2019 “Labeling – Energy efficiency label for electrical appliances – Part 1: Household Air Conditioners" with regard to EER limits for the equipment.
The MoIAT notes that it gives a one-year transitional period for implementation of more rigorous limits for air conditioners that are subject to UAE.S 5010-1:2019. Thus, the following new EER limits for household air-conditions must be applicable starting from January 2023:
Star rate
EER (Btu-h)/W @ T3 Window Type
EER (Btu-h)/W @ T3 Non-ducted Split Type
EER ⩾ 9.51
EER ⩾ 11.01
9.50 ⩾ EER ⩾ 9.01
11.00 ⩾ EER ⩾ 10.31
9.00 ⩾ EER ⩾ 8.51
10.30 ⩾ EER ⩾ 9.71
8.50 ⩾ EER ⩾ 8.01
9.70 ⩾ EER ⩾ 9.01
8.00 ⩾ EER ⩾ 7.50
9.00 ⩾ EER ⩾ 8.30
Please pay attention that current ECAS/EQM certificates of conformity will be valid until their expiry date or until December 31, 2022, whichever comes first. Starting from January 1, 2023, to get access to the UAE market household air conditioners must show the compliance to the new EER limits that should be reflected in the new ECAS/EQM certificate of conformity.