摘自《Increasing the Quality of an Organization's Outputs》个人翻译。如有争议,请参考原英文! The focus of improvement 改进关注点 ISO 9000:2015 defines improvement as: “activity toenhance performance” and it results from a commitment to do things better or dodifferent things. Although there is a note in clause 10 stating that examplesof improvement can include correction, it must be stated that correction is notan improvement because it simply restores the status quo (i.e. the current levelof performance) – it’s removal of special cause variation (i.e.nonconformities) such as putting out fires and is thus an element of qualitycontrol. Enhancing performance is increasing the level of performance beyondthe current level and correcting errors won’t enhance performance unless actionis taken to prevent them recurring. If we want to increase the level ofperformance, we either should reduce common cause variation or pursue differentobjectives, and this means we should act on the system. So improvement is notconcerned with correcting errors but with doing things better and doingdifferent things. ISO 9000:2015将改进定义为:“提高 绩效的活动”,其结果是承诺将事情做得更好或做得不同。虽然在第10章中有一个“注”,指出改进的例子可以包括纠正,但必须说明的是,纠正不是改进,因为它只是恢复到现状(即当前的绩效水平)−它是消除特殊原因的变差(即不合格),如救火,因此是 质量控制的一个要素。提高绩效是将绩效水平提高到超过当前水平,纠正错误不会提高绩效,除非采取措施防止它们再次发生。如果我们想提高绩效水平,我们要么应该减少普通原因的变差,要么追求不同的目标,而这意味着我们应该对系统采取措施。因此,改进并不关注纠正错误,而是关注把事情做得更好,做不同的事情。 Another anomaly is that improvement is notan activity but an objective or outcome. We can undertake activities with theobject of improving a situation, but unless and until the situation improvesthere is no improvement. The action we took may not yield improvement at all,and therefore it is only with hindsight that we can say that the activities weundertook enhanced performance. Therefore, improvement is a result ofactivities that bring about enhanced performance. 另一个不正常的现象是,改进不是一种活动,而是一种目标或成果。我们可以以改进状况为目标开展活动,但除非并且直到状况得到改善,否则就没有改善。我们采取的措施可能根本没有产生改善,因此,只有在事后我们才能说我们所进行的活动提高了绩效。因此,改进是带来绩效提高的活动的结果。 There is a second dimension to improvement– it is the rate of change. We could improve gradually or by a step change.Gradual change is also referred to as incremental improvement, continualimprovement or Kaizen. Step change is also referred to as breakthrough or aquantum leap. Gradual change arises out of refining the existing methods,modifying processes to yield more and more by consuming less and less.Breakthroughs often require innovation, new methods, techniques, technologiesand new processes. 改进还有第二个维度−就是变革的速度。我们可以渐进改善,也可以通过阶梯式的改进。渐进式变革也被称为逐步式改进、持续改进或改善(日语:kaizen)。阶梯式变革也被称为突破或质的飞跃。渐进式变革产生于对现有方法的完善,修改流程以通过越来越少的消耗获得越来越多的成果。突破往往需要创新、新的方法、技术、工艺和新的流程。