● Work on IATF 16949®2nd edition has been pushed out to 2023, with release anticipated for the 2ndhalf of 2024. (Historically companies have been given 3 years toupgrade to the new standard after it is published.) It willincorporate the Sanctioned Interpretations and possibly incorporate universalCSRs if all 10 member manufacturers can consolidate them. The committee willalso look at the digitalization of the QMS and its benefits.
● Establish a CB KPI related to the performance of clientsas a way to evaluate CBs.
● Create a single ITsystem for the management of IATF – currently, the various databases andplatforms are managed by different oversight bodies.
● Ensure a consistent QMS for sub-tier auto suppliers – looking at supplierdevelopment process requirements. Also, how to capture or even file aperformance complaint against the lower tier ISO 9001 certifiedsuppliers. ● Institutionalize IATF QMS forcertain suppliers – making the QMS ingrained throughout the culture of theorganization and they will be developing a maturity model.
● IATF 16949®第二版的工作已推迟到2023年,预计将于2024年下半年发布。(从历史上看,公司在新标准发布后有3年的时间升级到新标准。)它将纳入认可解释SI,如果所有10个成员制造商都能合并这些解释,则可能纳入通用CSR。委员会还将研究QMS的数字化及其好处。
● 建立与客户绩效相关的CB KPI,作为评估CB的一种方式。
● 为IATF的管理创建一个单一的IT系统——目前,各种数据库和平台由不同的监督机构管理。
● 确保次级汽车供应商的质量管理体系一致——关注供应商开发流程要求。此外,如何获取甚至提交针对较低级别ISO9001认证供应商的绩效投诉。
● 将某些供应商的IATF QMS制度化——使QMS在整个组织文化中根深蒂固,他们将开发成熟度模型。 |