发表于 2024-9-10 16:07:13
5W2H Question Compositions
This method gets its name from interrogative words that start with the letters “W” and “H”. Below are all of them presented:
What product is affected?
Where does the defect appear on the product? What exactly is the problem?
What component has this problem?
Why is this a problem?
What are the known current causes for this type of problem?
Previous analyses of internal quality problems, non-conformity tickets (NCTs), FMEA analysis records, and internal audit results (for example, Layered Process Audits – LPA) will be useful.
Are specific standards maintained: work instructions, settings, production machine maintenance, and measuring equipment?
When was the problem first observed? This is important as it gives a time period to focus on, to identify whether something has changed to cause the problem, and if so, when.
Does the defect occur immediately, or does it take time to materialize? This situation could be useful during the analysis of warranty returns.
Which customer reported the problem?
Do other customers receive the same products and report the same problems?
Where did the problem occur? On what machine exactly? At what machine settings? What process step detected the failure and what process steps should have detected the failure?
If the answer is “at the customer,” then this information may need to be requested.
What is the mechanism of this type of problem?
What phenomena must occur for the problem to occur? Potential problems can arise from the machine (wear of its parts and tools).
How many units are affected? Based on data, how many units in the population are affected. This and the following question give an indication of the size of the problem.
How is this problem spread across the working day? Does the problem occur randomly, on a particular shift or day? |