Parametric Growth Curve - Graphs
main topic
    see also

Stat > Reliability/Survival > Repairable System Analysis > Parametric Growth Curve > Graphs

Use to create an event plot, mean cumulative function and Nelson-Aalen plot, Duane plot, or total-time-on-test plot.

Dialog box items

Event Plot Check to display an event plot.

Display number of failures on event plot: Check to display the frequency of failures on the event plot.

Mean cumulative function (MCF) and Nelson-Aalen plot: Check to display the estimated mean cumulative function overlaid on the Nelson-Aalen plot.

Display confidence intervals on MCF plot: Check to display confidence intervals on the MCF plot. By default, Minitab plots a 95% confidence interval. You can change the confidence level in the Estimate subdialog box.

Duane plot: Check to display a Duane plot.

Total time on test (TTT) plot Check to display a total-time-on-test plot.

Display (except event plot):

An average plot over all systems: Choose to create plots which are averaged over (or pooled across) all systems. This option does not apply to the event plot.

One plot per system: Choose to create separate plots for each system. This option does not apply to the event plot.

Show graphs of different variables/by levels or systems: Choose to display the graphs overlaid on the same page or on separate pages.

X axis display (except TTT plot):

Minimum X scale: Enter a value for the minimum x-axis scale. This option does not apply to the TTT plot.

Maximum X scale: Enter a value for the maximum x-axis scale. This option does not apply to the TTT plot.

X axis label: Type the desired text to replace the default x-axis label with your own label. This option does not apply to the TTT plot.