发表于 2024-9-20 07:46:38
本帖最后由 kamire 于 2024-9-20 07:53 编辑
Brainstorm possible causes for analysis
Rank potential causes and determine high-potential for further study
Gather data to support or refute each idea circled
5 why
A fundamental principle of root cause analysis activity is that you must relentlessly continue to question conditions until you uncover those that are the primary contributors of the problem. Five-why diagrams are a visual representation of that thinking.
Using one of the primary potential causes identified in the earlier cause and effect diagram, the team uses a questioning strategy to drive deeper toward potential root causes.
The questioning strategy can, and often needs to, go beyond five levels. It may also split into multiple answers that creates multiple questioning trees. It is also possible that a stopping point will occur before five whys are reached. Any of these scenarios is acceptable as long as the result is a controllable potential cause that the team can investigate and correct.