Cp, Cpk, Pp, and Ppk statistics are measures of potential and overall capability. Because the process information is reduced to a single number, you can use capability statistics to compare the capability of one process to another. Many practitioners consider 1.33 to be a minimum acceptable value for the process capability statistics. A value less than 1 indicates that your process variation is wider than the specification spread. To understand and interpret the capability statistics, use the information below for guidance.
Capability statistics allows you to monitor and report the improvement of the system over time. The capability statistics differ in interpretation depending on the distribution used for the analysis. For,
Normal distribution:
Nonnormal distribution:
Minitab calculates the capability statistics using 0.13th, 50th, and 99.87th percentiles for the distribution used in the analysis. The distance between the 99.87th and 0.13th percentiles is equivalent to the 6s spread in the normal case. The 50th percentile represents the process median.
The capability indices based on a nonnormal distribution can be interpreted in the same manner as the indices based on a normal distribution. Compare Pp and Ppk to assess if the process median is close to the specification midpoint. If Pp is greater than Ppk, the process median is off the specification midpoint and closer to one of the specification limits.