Control Charts Options

In each control chart's data source dialog box, you can select options to customize your chart:

·    Parameters: Use to enter historical data for estimation.

·    Estimate: Use to omit certain subgroups for the analysis or to choose an estimation method.

·    Limits: Use to determine standard deviation limit positions and to place a lower or upper limits.

·    Tests: Use to choose tests for special causes.

·    Stages: Use to display stages or groups in your process.

·    Display: Use to display the control chart by stages or subgroup, split the chart, and display the test results in the Session window.

·    Box-Cox: Use the Box-Cox transformation to normalize your data.  

·    Storage: Use to store your choice of statistics in the worksheet.

·    Plan/Type: Use to specify the CUSUM plan and type. This option is available only for the CUSUM chart.

·    Weights/Reset: Use to control the weight assigned to each zone and to reset the cumulative score after each signal. This option is available only for the Zone chart.

·    Limits: Use to specify limits for multivariate control charts.